kyoshi Charles Riedmiller, Head Instructor
Founder, owner and CEO of Summit Martial Arts Academy
Raised in Delaware, Ohio, Kyoshi Riedmiller began studying martial arts at age 13. In those days the martial arts world was extremely brutal but through determination and the support of his parents and instructors, he stuck with it. As he learned Goju Ryu Karate and Judo, he quickly discovered that his skill in one was enhanced by his knowledge of the other. This simple fact, combined with his desire to excel, eventually led him across the United States and overseas to study with renown instructors in many different martial art forms.
Over the last 50 years Kyoshi Riedmiller has achieved expert levels in Goju Ryu and Shorin Ryu Karate, Kobudo, Judo, Olympic Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, White Crane Kung Fu, Chen Tai Chi, Japanese Jujitsu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He has competed in countless tournaments and is a State and National Karate Champion. He was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame in 2012 and is the state director of the International Shorin Ryu Karate Kobudo Federation.
Kyoshi Riedmiller has always considered himself a student first and a Sensei second. This perspective has led him to acquire a unique and wide-ranging set of skills alongside his traditional martial arts training. He is a licensed bodyguard, as well as a certified knife, firearm and archery instructor. He is also a member of a private security group and the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (the oldest samurai organization in the world). Additionally, Kyoshi Riedmiller is a U.S.A. Olympic certified coach, a fitness trainer and an adjunct professor in the Kinesiology Department at Ohio Wesleyan University, .
During his private study of martial arts, Kyoshi Riedmiller worked several years as a successful commercial real estate agent and later earned his MBA in business/marketing. In 1982 he joined the United States Army Infantry where he served for 10 years as a platoon sergeant and an H2H combat instructor. His love for martial arts continued to grow and increasingly, he became more and more aware of its transformative power in his personal life.
On leaving the military in 1992, Kyoshi Riedmiller decided to open his first Dojo here in Delaware, Ohio. Since then he has never stopped teaching and has helped thousands of business professionals, college students, military, law enforcement, professional fighters, moms, dads and children discover more of who they really are. He is dedicated to teaching authentic martial arts to serious students, not only for the practical benefits, but because of the profound internal changes it can bring. He discovered that not only can martial arts develop tenacity, determination, discipline, and confidence, but more importantly, it can become a place to find peace, restoration, healing and hope.
Kyoshi Riedmiller has always considered himself a student first and a Sensei second. This perspective has led him to acquire a unique and wide-ranging set of skills alongside his traditional martial arts training. He is a licensed bodyguard, as well as a certified knife, firearm and archery instructor. He is also a member of a private security group and the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (the oldest samurai organization in the world). Additionally, Kyoshi Riedmiller is a U.S.A. Olympic certified coach, a fitness trainer and an adjunct professor in the Kinesiology Department at Ohio Wesleyan University, .
During his private study of martial arts, Kyoshi Riedmiller worked several years as a successful commercial real estate agent and later earned his MBA in business/marketing. In 1982 he joined the United States Army Infantry where he served for 10 years as a platoon sergeant and an H2H combat instructor. His love for martial arts continued to grow and increasingly, he became more and more aware of its transformative power in his personal life.
On leaving the military in 1992, Kyoshi Riedmiller decided to open his first Dojo here in Delaware, Ohio. Since then he has never stopped teaching and has helped thousands of business professionals, college students, military, law enforcement, professional fighters, moms, dads and children discover more of who they really are. He is dedicated to teaching authentic martial arts to serious students, not only for the practical benefits, but because of the profound internal changes it can bring. He discovered that not only can martial arts develop tenacity, determination, discipline, and confidence, but more importantly, it can become a place to find peace, restoration, healing and hope.